H&M meshed tank, Alfani leather panel blazer, DIY cut offs, Forever21 shoes.
My greatest apologies for going hiatus for so long. My life is getting busier and busier! I am balancing a full semester with my internship job on the side. So it's been quite rough. There's no time to really snap photos because I barely have a break in between (but I will work something out!). I run from one class to the next with maybe 10 minutes in between, grab a quick lunch and head straight to work. That is my routine everyday, so far. I'm trying to get into the swing of things and see how it all balances. I'm still figuring out some things here and there! So please hang tight with me while I'm on this rough ride! Thank you for all of your patience! The world slows down for no one does it!? So we must keep up with the world! PHEW! Good luck to everyone else who is going through a similar situation. Oh, and for those of you who are also starting classes, I hope your first week was a great one!