Since I'm tiny, I've always been worried to wear skirts that pass my knee. I feel like the skirt will eat me up. I braved my fears and finally went for it. These tights are actually very glittery but the pictures didn't presented that very well.

This vintage blouse was purchased from Design Archives. I was attracted to the laced collar. It's been raining so much lately and I'm ready to soak in the sun!
lovely outfits! i love that skirt - it definitely did not eat you up!
ooh I love the last outfit so much!!! you overknees and shorts! wow!!!
Don't take this the wrong way, this is no critism but the outfit with the blue dress is really a MISS!
Don't you want people to look at your outfit with WOW in their face instead of a doubtful look considering you want to survive as a fashion designer later on?
Variation is good. Exaggerate in a WOW way not a CUTE SCHOOL GIRLS's WAY :D
Anonymous, Blogging is not about leaving rude anonymous comments. It is about gathering inspiration from other real people. If you didn't think the outfit was a "hit" you should just keep it to yourself... especially because you didn't take the time to even really look.. its not a blue dress, its a skirt! Also, a fashion designers personal style choices are often not a reflection of their actual designs.
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