Jessica Fritz's relaxed and earthy style intrigued me and gave me the itch to explore her home! Luckily, she was very welcoming so I was fortunate to have the opportunity to meet with her and share some of the photos as well as short interview with you all. I met Jessica my freshman year taking a design class. I remember being so timid my first year and Jessica today, is still the same Jessica I met 3 years ago. She's calm, easy to get along, and is a very talented photographer. As you can see, she has an eye for beautiful things and it's not only relevant in her work, but in her home as well.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I'm a senior at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, majoring in studio art and minoring in religious studies.
What influences your style?
My style is probably mostly based around earth tones/dark colors. Comfort is a big deal, but I'll occasionally wear the painful pair of heels.
What are some of your favorite stores/brands?
I like vintage clothing, thrift stores, but also Anthropologie and Free People.
What do you enjoy doing on your spare time?
Photography, baking, and sewing are mostly what I'll do with any spare time.
Stop by Jessica Fritz's website to catch a glimpse of some of her phenomenal work.
So cool this post! Its always interesting to see inside people´s home. Lovely place! I checked her website, loved her work.
I agree! I love seeing how the inside of a home reflects a person's style. After all, that is where they spend the majority of their time. Thanks for sharing! <3
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